Remove staff

When a member of your Organisation leaves, you have to remove their access to your Client's information and the Organisation in general. This is critical to maintaining the Organisation's accreditation and certifications. as a client and case management software ensures client data privacy is maintained. This article will show you how to remove a user from your Organisation.

The first step is to remove a user's access to Circles:

Go to My Organisation > Staff >'Circles Role' icon > Edit and then remove the user from all the Circles they belong to by clicking on all thered broken links.**

ndis staff management

Next step: Remove the User from your Organisation

When the user no longer belongs to any Circles, click on the user roles icon, go to Edit remove their role Delete.

ndis user management from

Just in 2 simple steps, you'll be removing the user from your Organisation and will therefore maintain data privacy for your Clients.

Note: you are NOT deleting the user account, just removing the user from your Organisation. If you think the user should be removed from altogether, please contact us at